Booking can be flexible depending on my availability. I work on Thursdays, Fridays and alternate Wednesdays. Use the contact form or email to book or to arrange a call back to discuss an appointment.
Alternatively you can call me on 07500860630. Please leave a message if I am unable to answer.
Price list is for all treatments offered including acupuncture and manual lymphatic drainage
Initial sessions include a full consultation and case history. The first session can sometimes take a little longer. We will agree a treatment plan for the session. Acupuncture, manual lymphatic drainage and/or associated treatments (e.g. cupping) will be included as part of this session. Initial treatment tends to be gentle, especially if you are new to acupuncture.
Follow up sessions will involve some questions to check in with you and see what changes have happened. The treatment portion of these sessions may be a little longer than initial sessions as we will have more time.
Massage. This can be Deep Tissue Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), Sports Massage or Tui Na Chinese massage. Sometimes it may be a combination of differnt types within one session.
Optional Add ons:
Cupping add on 25 mins add on (add this on to your acupuncture or massage appointment)
Deep Tissue/ MLD/ Manual Lymphatic Drainage/ Sports massage/ Tui Na add on 25 mins (add this on to your acupuncture appointment)
Gua Sha add on 15 mins (add this on to your acupuncture or massage appointment appointment)
Four sessions including if necessary the initial session. 48.00 to pay prior to initial session. If you wish to have more sessions and this is indicated as part of the treatment plan you can opt to pay a further 132.00 for three additional sessions (This must be paid prior to second treatment session).
48.00 + discretionary travel and time costs
These acupuncture and massage visits are available in Nottingham and surrounding areas. You may prefer or require a home visit for various reasons, for example accessibility difficulties or post surgery for manual lymphatic drainage. I also can do visits if you live in a care home. If you feel this is important for you please do contact me with your location and a bit about your situation and I will give you a quote.
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Many people are apprehensive before their first experience of acupuncture. In my clinical experience, people are usually pleasantly surprised. A variety of sensations can be felt but acupuncture is not usually painful. The needles used are very fine (much smaller than those used for injections). They are single use and sterilised medical grade. If a needle is ever uncomfortable after placement I can adjust or remove it. Needles are typically in for 15-20 minutes, although this may vary depending on the treatment plan. Many people find the treatments relaxing and falling asleep is not uncommon.
It depends on your insurance. I do not file with insurance, but I will provide you with all of the paperwork that you need to pass onto your insurance. I am registered with the British Acupuncture Council, as required by some insurance companies.
I believe anyone can benefit from acupuncture! However, some people have better results than others for specific complaints. Acupuncture can be viewed as a maintenance tool to stay well. You do not need to have a serious problem to benefit from treatment. Many people however will choose to come for acupuncture when they are feeling unwell, or to support them with long term chronic conditions. People (male and female) also visit for fertility and women can have acupuncture during pregnancy. This therapy is safe for use during pregnancy although there are certain things I will avoid if you are pregnant. Acupuncture can be used when we are going through a difficult period in our lives, for example bereavement or times of stress, depression and anxiety. Common reasons to visit include muscular-skeletal problems, eczema, headaches (including tension headaches and migraines), gynecological problems including menstrual cycle related problems, back problems, digestives issues, fibromyalgia and chronic pain conditions.
There is no special preparation but it is helpful to wear loose or stretchy clothes. I may need access to your arms, legs and possibly back and torso. Trousers which can be rolled up can be good. Some people bring shorts to change into. I have towels to use to cover you if clothing needs to be removed.
After acupuncture it is good if you can relax but you are able to continue with your day as normal, for example if you needed to return to work.
No! This is a very gentle technique and provided you have no special reason to avoid it, it is gentle enough to be performed a few weeks after surgery or sooner with medical permission. (check with your medical team but this can include having active treatment for cancer for example). I am fully qualified and insured in this unique technique. I will adapt the treatment to your needs, for example if you are unable to get into certain positions or there are areas of the body we cannot work on.